The plugin was one I found ages ago on github it’s C++.
If I disable the plugin then the project compiles fine (aside from being broken as all the SQLite3 blueprints no longer work)
I’m scratching my head as to why it compiles fine in 5.3.2 but when I copy the project and upgrade it to 5.4 it breaks the plugin.
Shame there are no blueprint nodes built in for SQLite3
inside of your header, that is why you are getting errors with UFUNCTION, UCLASS and basic descriptors. There is no core file to handle their macro definitions.
put it just below #pragma once
something like this:
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"
// add rest of includes
#include "SQLiteBlueprintFunctionLibrary.generated.h"
/// rest of code
Are you sure you are not just missing some modules in the build file? (missing dependencies)
How does the 5.4 one look compared to the 5.3?
5.4 removed Unity builds, so as 3dRaven pointed out, there will be missing includes - just go through any errors (from the error log or build log), google the objects that are undefined and add the include shown in the Epic Documentation.