5.2 to 5.3 migration

A blueprint that was used well in 5.2 is giving an error in 5.3, and I don’t know why.

I was using a border, scroll box, or overlay class by calling a function stored in the function library.

In 5.3, the function cannot be called and an error appears as shown below.

How should I fix this??

Hey there @soodesign! What error it the node putting out? Does a fresh instance of the node work?

The function “devrement int with modulo” is not safe to call from a blueprint of class “overlay”.
The World context object pin must have a connection.

An error message appears like this.

Node cannot be called again.

It’s odd that the node didn’t require a world context before this version if it’s used outside of world context. However it’s basically asking for a context to the world it’s intended to operate in, usually you can pass any object that’s present in the world you’re referencing (if you have access to one from where it’s being called that is).