5.2 Mesh To Metahuman no longer solves ears

In 5.1 I was able to solve the ears in Mesh to Metahuman, now it does not seem to work at all. The ears do not solve.

5.2 results


5.1 results

Also, seems like the curves and control vertices no longer show when viewing the solved mesh.

Hi @Quigs ,

Thanks for pointing out this issue. It is indeed a regression in the Mesh to MetaHuman functionality. We are aware of this and are looking at how to fix it.

Kind Regards,


Having the same issues for a project where my mh needs to looks as close to the original as possible.
Should i stick with 5.2.1 or start over in 5.1 ?

Hey @Qwigs, @soontekk

Just to let you know we have pushed out the bug fix for this issue, an update will be available for the UE5.2 MetaHuman Plugin in the launcher now!



Thank you James !
Will test

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Hi James, i can confirm that the ears now work properly in 5.2.
Thanks for the update :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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