5.2 install: the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable


Just downloaded and installed 5.2 and every time i try to launch it i have this message

the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable
Capture d'écran 2023-05-12 131531

I tried everything, launch as administrator, update vcredist, update visual studio, reinstalling… nothing works…

I could use some help !

(windows 11)

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Pfeeeeew !! After a few hours i found the solution !

Download microsoft troubleshooter utility program


Then launch and click on " Installation " troubleshooting then, in the program list, search for UEPrerequisites or whatever it’s called on your computer, then fix it, and wait. After a while (10mins for me) it say it’s done then don’t close the window. It ask for you to try again to launch the program.

For me at this point it’s solved. If not for you than say the the utility program it’s not solved and it will try to fix other things.

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Pierrax you legend, thankyou so much!

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