I am noticing on 5.2.1, if you select project default for Binary Configuration, its builds shipping no matter what you have selected in project settings.
Also I am noticing, if I click Development manually, the app doesn’t produce logs! What gives?!
I know its development because the quad screen tap opens the console, but there is no log left in my device!!
Also using the Launch feature doesn’t work anymore. When the process is complete, the actual Launch command doesn’t make the phone do anything.
This temporary fix isn’t exactly a fix. If you select ‘For Distribution’ or from what I’m reading in the original post setting binary configuration will flag the build as UE_BUILD_SHIPPING which seems completely incorrect to me. Is there some way to ensure that builds don’t get configured as shipping simply because ‘For Distribution’ is checked?
Previously “For Distribution” would sign the built apk only. If you have previously installed versions of an application installed on the device the signatures need to match.
Now checking “For Distribution” also forces a shipping build which eliminates all logs, and not ideal. I would hope for some sort of flag to enable application signing without forcing the build into Shipping mode.
I’m guessing this forces the build type on the platform, no matter what is set elsewhere. As there was only one setting in the file, I closed down everything, deleted the file, reopened unreal editor and packaged the Android build. Log files & logcat are now working for me again.