5.1p1 & 5.1p2: PIE crashes if a Geometry Collection is in the scene without scale set to 1.0

Since 5.1 Preview 1 and also in Preview 2, when playing in PIE, the editor crashes out if there is a Geometry Collection loaded in the scene and the scale isn’t set to 1.0, 1.0, 1.0

I have recreated the GeoCollection multiple times, using different mesh, and tested in different levels.

In 5.0, changing the scale worked fine.
Anyone else get this or find a fix?

Hey there @David_Studio46! So I couldn’t actually replicate this issue in the preview!


That’s what these previews are for though! If you’d like I could take a look at the crash info and see if it’s something easily discerned. However since this is a preview it’s possibly a bug with your setup, and if that’s the case it’d be good to report it!

Hello there @SupportiveEntity, thanks for the response - sure Ill log a report.
I went back and tested again, using your parameters.
Using a Cube, it works fine for me also.
Using a more complex mesh, it still crashes.
For now, I have worked around my problem by scaling up the mesh and recreating my GeoCollection.

Ahhhh you’ve got it. It’s any geometry collection over a certain complexity it tends to break if scaled at all. Judging by the error I don’t have a workaround that wouldn’t have to be source side. Definitely mention the complexity level in the report if you can, as that will definitely help when internal teams try to reproduce it!