5.1 - Weird Depth of Field Artifacts

Hello. I just migrated a 5.03 project into 5.1, and I’m getting some weird bug on the edges of where the CineCamera’s focus is in range. Video is not of the highest quality, but shows the issue nonetheless.

I have no idea what’s causing this.

Did you found a fix for this?

I have these issues too but haven’t found a fix or any support.

Maybe someone found a solution?

had the same issues, its easier to see it in a freeze frame, for me its happenign at extreme focal diffrences, but still shouldnt…and it doesnt seem to happen in eidtor only when rendering.
its for sure something to do with multi sampleing, cuase when i disabled that in deferred rendring it went away, but so did my depth of field haha…

my solution was to use path tracer for rendering, no issue there…
but would like a solution for lumen.