5.1 volumetric fog not being affected by sky light or emissive materials and turning black

The problem is precisely in the console command “r.Lumen.TranslucencyVolume.RadianceCache.ProbeResolution”. If you set a value greater than 8, the fog begins to darken.

You can select Cinematic, and then enter “r.Lumen.TranslucencyVolume.RadianceCache.ProbeResolution 8” and fog will work fine

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Having this same problem, and setting the engine scalability on Global Illumination to Cinematic did fix it. Also setting “r.Lumen.TranslucencyVolume.RadianceCache.ProbeResolution 8” improved it a lot.

But it also shot the cost of lumen from 1.4ms to 5.5ms.

Is there no shippable fix for this yet?

I’m assuming setting scalability to cinematic adjusts a bunch of internal CVARs, so maybe one of them is the one that’s disabled sky lights for fog?

Anyone have any idea how to hunt those down?