5.1 preview running out Video memory straight away with 5.0.3 project


So i just took my project, and updated it to 5.1, all went well until i got into the map.

Soon as I launched the map, it saying working on landscapes and then just runs out of video memory. The 5.0.3 version works fine, but is fairly heavy on video memory. I am wondering what has caused it suddenly to need more memory for 5.1 preview vs 5.0.3. It seems also World partition settings are wrong, but I can’t get into them to change them before it crashes. I have turned on unlit, wireframe and turned off foillage, meshes and grass in advanced, but even in wireframe it runs out of video memory.

My specs are 1080 TI 11g, 64gb of Ram, just wondering it there is a way to get into the map and fix world partiation and such, before crashes, I maybe have 20 secs on start up before it crashes.

Anyone got any suggestions on how i can fix this? or is maybe better to rebuild the whole map? (work i could really do without)

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You could probably lower the scalability settings before it crashes, and then try to figure out what’s sucking up all the vram.

oh, that’s a great idea, thank you

Sadly its it did not work, gave me a few more seconds, but its seems to be when its rebuilding the landscape textures.

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You could try going into the project settings type in Lumen and set

  • “Dynamic Global Illumination Method” to None
  • “Reflections” to Screen Space.

This should ease up on GPU memory usage.


Thank you, Just tried that, sadly still does same thing straight after, I think its world partition settings, it seems to trying to load my whole map, and there is no settings to unload cells now.

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Seems like not unloading world partition proxies is a bug. Should be fixed in 5.1


I have the same problem.
I’m sure my map will load all the cells at once in version 5.03.
However, it prompted a crash in version 5.1 due to insufficient video memory
Also appears when rebuilding landscape texture

i have the same issue since 5.1 my memory 64 gb gets full in 4 secounds than it crashs when loading a cell where a little village is