5.1 Open Level (by Name) node does not work in a packaged game. It brings back to the same level.

Open Level (by Name) node does not work in a packaged game. It brings back to the same level.

Version: 5.1.0-23058290+++UE5+Release-5.1
Steps to reproduce:

Make a simple game with two levels. Call open level on the starting level and the next level should open up. Test that Open Level (by name) works. Now package the game for Windows and then play the packaged game and try to open up the level again.

Here is a test project. Space bar to go from the ‘Start’ level to ‘Level1’ and ‘Level1’ to quit game. Hit Escape to exit the game.

Try Open Level (by Object Reference) and include the map for the package build in the project settings.

Now I wonder if Open Level (by Name) should be deprecated and Open Level (by Object Reference) should be used?

I am also having the same issue :zipper_mouth_face:

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Add the Map to be included here


Мне не помогло это решение. Может кто сталкивался, как решить проблему?

The same here, I cannot find how to fix it

After putting in Open Level (by Object Reference) and packaging it again. Both the open level (by name) and (by Object Reference) worked. I don’t know why?

In my case, Open level (by Object Refrence) It also doesn’t work

EDIT: In my case it happend with Audio Buffer, we try to check my “Audio capture” from Controller or up Buffer size on Audio.

Thanks, this fixed the issue for me

This worked for me as well!

thnks this worked for me too

thanks!! my case work fine!