I upgraded an animated project to 5.1 recently. And when I go to render any sequence in the project, it renders 1000x slower. So much so, that it may take lifetimes to render. I may even be better off rendering in a legacy render engine lol
Anyone else dealing with this?
Bump: Just wanted to report back and say I fixed my issue.
For anyone who needs this information. I have made most of my characters spawnable actors in every sequence. Inside of their blueprint I have a variable that sets the skeletal mesh so I can load a different skeletal mesh in every sequence.
Well, for some reason 5.1 doesn’t like it at all when I change that variable’s skeletal mesh in the details panel of that spawnable character bp. I have to make sure that variable is exposed to cinematics, and set a keyframe in my sequence of the skeletal mesh I want. Otherwise, the sequence will render at an incredibly slow rate for some reason. Random. Didnt do that in 5.0.
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I have the same issue! Please can you detail the solution? I don’t really understand the steps! Thank you in advance!
For me the issue ended up being the cloth asset associated with a skeletal mesh. Just had to redo the cloth.