(5.1)Movie Render Queue High Res bug?

So, at 5.1 High Resolution has a new “feature” called “Allocate History per Tile” that is recommended to be turned off.
But if u turn it off your tiled render doesn’t render properly with lumen, giving me a complete broken image(Black tiles)
If i keep “Allocate History per Tile” on its render, but at a extremely severe cost of hardware usage, making it unable to render anything bigger the full HD without crashing, even with a RTX3070TI.

Am i doing something wrong here?Anyone experiencing this same issue? because until 5.03 it was easy to make renders up to 16k with this feature, now it is totally unusable.

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OMG I have the exact same issue!

I have been battling with it for hrs now. I have done quite a bit of side-by-side testing with UE5 and UE5.1 and I have the same result as you. The same scene that renders perfectly fine in UE5 completely crashes after running out of VRam on UE5.1.

This completely breaks my workflow for archviz to produce High Res 6k images. I am paying there is an editor setting that I can change to fix this or i will have to return to UE5.

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I’ve also got this bug completely crashing UE5.1 no matter what I do.
I need it to render 4k VR to an acceptable quality on my pc and has worked reliably before, but it looks like i’m screwed until a fix comes out.

has anyone found a solution to this problem?

Would love to here something about this issue

But this means, your getting usually good results “with” Lumen and the High Resolution Rendering?
I had a lot of issues and Problems with it and made the conclusion that I have to switch to raytracing

i have the same problem with 5.2 it keeps crashing with high resolution

I’m trying to render a 6K panoramic image in 5.3 and Unreal freezes when in “Finalize” pipeline state. 4K works fine.

Edit: ah but the image is actually rendered and saved to disk, Unreal just becomes unresponsive after finishing apparently.