5.1 IK Retargeter with Mixamo character, hips are stuck, won't move

hi all, i searched for this already but didn’t seem to find exactly my situation.

I created a new IK Rig for a Mixamo character.

Anyway, the Mixamo char does not have a “ROOT” bone. The course I’m watching uses a Mixamo char as well without a root bone. Followed step by step. Anyway, created the IK Rig just fine…

Also, I created a brand new IK Rig for the UE4 Mannequin.

Where my problem is, is with the Retargeter. Used the UE4 Mannequin as the source, used my Mixamo character as the target.

As you can see from the animation, my hip is locked in place. It just won’t move. Does not matter which animation I try to use. I’m hoping I just missed a small step but if so, I’m not sure what.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Looks to me that most of your bone targets are set wrongly. Even your hands’ movements are not the same.