5.1 AssetImportTask destination_name Not Rename

Hi :slight_smile:

Just Updated unreal to latest 5.1.1 and now destination_name does not renaming the asset

ImportAssetTask Documentation

Using filename as the full path of the asset and then name to give it a new name i wanted

def _build_import_task(filename, destination_path, options=None, name=''):

    task = unreal.AssetImportTask()
    task.set_editor_property('filename', filename)
    task.set_editor_property('destination_name', name)
    task.set_editor_property('destination_path', destination_path)
    task.set_editor_property('options', options)
    task.set_editor_property('automated', True)
    task.set_editor_property('replace_existing', True)
    task.set_editor_property('save', True)
    return task
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Just had the same issue with my custom python pipeline.
I fixed it by disabling Interchange Plugin in your Plugins window.



which version did you do that on @qornflex ?