Is there any way to make landscape material to change every time game is started?
My game idea is that players each match will spawn at different planet where layout and objectives locations will remain same/similar, but nature (landscape textures, foliage and etc will be different depending on that planet (theme)). So is there any way I could make landscape material to change every time game is started, that I wouldn’t need to create hundreds and thousands different planets, but rather only one that would always change? I found some info on how to do this with static meshes, but nothing about landscapes.
So far I made this blueprint which partially works. When I start my game random material is chosen and appears in Landscape Material slot, but it doesn’t update on my actual landscape. If anyone has a solution for this I would really appreciate some help
I think you have to create a master material and then change the attributes via SetLandScapeMaterialVectorParameterValue, SetLandScapeMaterialTextureParameterValue and SetLandScapeMaterialScalarParameterValue. Get the Landscape => Set… .