5.0 Branch Feb 1 commit causes Material SM5 error

There was a commit on Feb 1 for the 5.0 Branch that messed up a material that was used for fog in a particle emitter (it is file Fog_ParticleMat, used in Ultra Dynamic Sky, bought in Marketplace).


The dev changed line 182 in \Engine\Shaders\Private\VolumetricCloud.usf

Now the texture has a SM5 error x3018 about “Position” on line 182.
And the texture renders as the default WorldGridMat.

There was nothing I could change in the material to fix the error.
I just replace line 182 in VolumetricCloud.usf to before the commit and the material is ok again.
Should I report this as a bug?

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It was fixed today, the material renders as intended again.