4D Videogrammetry

Do you have plan to support moving object capturing or 4D Videogrammetry in the future?

I definitely want this feature and have hope your products show higher accuracy than Agisoft’s one.
I’m very glad if you tell me about plan related this.

Thank you.

Hi Seiji,

It can be done using CLI version easily. However direct support for videogrammetry inside app is not in plan currently. We can add it if there was demand on that.

Please add messages to this topic to rise priority!

Great! I’m not rich enough to contract RealityCapture CLI so if it become available for Promo users, I will be very happy.
I hope there are a lot of demands and this gets high priority.
I want to make “real” telexistence experience by combining this feature and VR. You know, 360 video is not perfect because it is not able to track head position. I think videogrammetry is the most promising way to accomplish this.
By the way I’m very impressed by your products, Thank you!

Im definitely interested in this feature, would be great to have


we want this badly.

Would LOVE this. Please :slight_smile:

Can your software create a 3D model from a video?

this is a little bit different thing. U suggest us to make a 3d model from a sequence of photos, taken from videos.
While we ask to get a 4d reconstruction.
For example timelapse of construction site (from several different scans) or body animations from several scans in a row.


I would love this feature.

This would be incredible!!!


@seiji: Capturing Reality offers RealityCapture CLI licenses in 1-month, 3-month and 6-month versions, besides the original 1-year version, for some time now: https://www.capturingreality.com/Product


Hello everyone,

I just want to clarify the first comment in this thread.

CLI version only enables you to reconstruct individual models from images taken in different time in batch, by running a script. However, the tool for merging individual models and create “4D animation” is currently not implemented in any version of RealityCapture. Once you have reconstructed individual models captured in time, you need to merge those models in other software. 

hello everyone, you can already import and process videos as an input since our latest release: https://support.capturingreality.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019940851-Version-1-0-3-6310-RC-Release