Hi, I tried 4.22 preview since I’ve heard the mobile tonemapper issue has been fixed.
(Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-67329))
I confirmed that it actually has been resolved(the screen doesn’t go black), but I encountered another problem. There doesn’t seem to be any change in rendering even if I set r.mobile.tonemapperfilm to 1.
I’m definitely sure the r.mobile.tonemapperfilm value was initially 0 as materials and particles I tested with look exactly the same as how they are rendered in 4.18 with r.mobile.tonemapperfilm = 0. And there are huge visual differences when it is set to 1 in 4.18.
Is this a bug? Or did EPIC intentionally change the way things get rendered with tonemapperfilm on in 4.22?
If there’s anyone who knows the answer or anyone who has experienced the same issue, please share with me.