I found an issue where something slate related basically allocates the RAM.
To replicate download this example project:
[Download from Google Drive][1]
Open it. It should have the minimal default map.
Open the level sequence RecordedSequence_0 in Sequencer. Do not be disturbed by the low framerate.
Change sequencer to curve editor mode.
Select the first Transform track. See image below.
Scroll down all the way to the lowest transform track. It will run really slow so please have patience.
Shift click on the lowest transform track and select it. Open up the task manager to see the memory usage of UE4.
It should be going up very quickly.
It seems this is caused in SCurveEditor.cpp SCurveEditor::PaintCurve, specifically the call to MakeLines here:
//Add enclosed segments
TArray<FRichCurveKey> Keys = Curve->GetCopyOfKeys();
for(int32 i = 0;i<Keys.Num()-1;++i)
CreateLinesForSegment(Curve, Keys[i], Keys[i+1],LinePoints, ScaleInfo);
FSlateDrawElement::MakeLines(OutDrawElements, LayerId, AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry(), LinePoints, MyClippingRect, DrawEffects, Color);