This is being investigated by our developers, but there are no solid timelines as far as when a fix will be released at this time. Some users were able to find a workaround if you check the linked Answerhub thread on the issues site linked above.
Hi, I’m using the 3rd Person C++ Template. I have not touched the character class blueprints much. Only to add in an on key press event. All I’ve done was add in the create session, find session , and join session. There’s some replication issues that I’m not sure how to fix. If the host moves around before a client has loaded in the skeletal mesh component and character position will not match up.
In the image look at like 1 and line 4 for a visual representation of the problem. Important Note This issue will not occur if the Client 1 does not move at all until Client 2 successfully joins.
Solution: Delete the character placed in the level(this is default in the template). This will fix replication issue. If a dev could explain why this would be super awesome.