Thank you for providing us with your . Do you have any special characters in the file path that your project is saved in? Perhaps ‘Documentos’ has a special letter? Or is there a special symbol in the ‘CD’ folder that seems to be on the D ? The illegal characters are any in range 1-31 ascii, " < > | ? *
Could you try to package to your desktop instead, or a clean file path that does not involve those special characters listed above?
Go ahead and provide it to me through the forums in a private message. I can check it here and see if it actually packages or not. That way we can try to figure out if it’s the project or some set up on your computer.
Another thing you can try though is to package your project and direct it to your desktop instead of D:\cd.
There are also some other variables like ANDROID_HOME, but none of them seem to have special characters (that one is D:\android-sdk-windows). Only these three: - _ .
There was a change to how IncrediBuild xgConsole.exe is located. You can try changing it back for now in Engine/Source/Programs/AutomationTool/UE4Build.cs.
public string XGEConsoleExe()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(XGEConsoleExePath))
string[] PathDirs = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH").Split(Path.PathSeparator);
foreach (string PathDir in PathDirs)
string FullPath = Path.Combine(PathDir, "xgConsole.exe");
if (FileExists(FullPath))
XGEConsoleExePath = FullPath;
return XGEConsoleExePath;
public string XGEConsoleExe()
return @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Xoreax\IncrediBuild\xgConsole.exe";
This should behave the same as 4.8.3. You can also try removing the \ 's in D:\\android-sdk-windows\build-tools. Please let us know which one works for you, or if none of the above fixes the issue you’re running in to.
I grabbed the source code from GitHub (4.9 branch) to give this a try. But before doing the change you proposed, I tried simply giving it another try. And it worked! (for both Android and HTML5)
So my guess is that this has either been fixed between 4.9p3 and 4.9 Github, or the issue is specific to the binary version of UE4.
At any rate, I’ll give this another try when (if) 4.9p4 is released.
PS: [That other issue][1] is still present in the same game when packaged with this latest 4.9 version.