4.9 Set Master Pose Component Crash

Whenever a blueprint hits the “Set Master Pose Component” node on a dynamically-created Poseable Mesh Component, the editor crashes.

I can spawn the component just fine with no issues; however, hitting this node will cause a crash 100% of the time. This did not happen in 4.8.3 or any earlier versions I was trying this is.

Hi RhythmScript,

Would it be possible to send your project, or partial project with just the assets in question along with some repro steps specific to the project? You can send these as an attachment to this post, via Dropbox, or Google drive. -Or you can send them as an attachment in a private message to me on our .


Hi RhythmScript,

Since we haven’t heard back from you in a while, we are closing this post for tracking purposes. However, if you would still like us to investigate the crash related to the “Set Master Pose Component” node on a dynamically-created Poseable Mesh Component, please respond and supply the requested files so we can reproduce the issue on our end.


Hi RhythmScript,

I recieved your project files and tested them in 4.7 and 4.8. However, opening them in 4.9 resulted in a number of load errors as well as an AnimBlueprint error. This is to be expected because as our developers make new features and correct bugs from older versions the code is not going to be backwards compatible with every facet of previous versions of the engine.

Hence, our standard advice to users is that they stick to whatever version they have started in if they are far along in development. If there is a certain “must have” feature in a later version of the engine, you would want to find the Changelist where that feature was added and pull that specific update from GitHub to integrate with your current version of the Engine.

If, on the other hand, you feel this is a bug that is not being caused by, say, redirector errors from a previous version of the engine, please create as simple a project as possible in the current version of the engine with as few assets as possibly needed to illustrate the bug and include simple and concise steps to reproduce the bug on our end.

For now, I suggest sticking with 4.8 or below for your project as you are definitely far along and your progress looks great!

The load errors happen all the time, I don’t think they’ve got anything to do with it. I’m CERTAINLY not going to stick with 4.8 as it’s not feature-complete or fully bug-fixed at all, and even if 4.9 isn’t necessarily “must have” I’d rather deal with incremental growing pains than the lump-sum of suckiness that would be trying to move from 4.8 to, say 4.14.

I’ll look into creating a project that causes this error, seeing as how nothing in my project changed between 4.8 and 4.9 and this was all that broke I’m sure there’s SOME sort of bug here. IDK what, but I know there is, since I can rectify the issue by bypassing a SINGLE BP node.

For what it’s worth, I can also crash the editor by attaching a Poseable Mesh component to the actor in the viewport, then hitting the “Set Master Pose Component” node in the Construction Script, and compiling the BP. Don’t even have to play the game or spawn anything, it just crashes right there.

EDIT: Wound up working around this by replacing the Poseable Mesh component with a Skeletal Mesh component. Both of them can take a MasterPoseComponent in, but the latter won’t crash. Still not sure what the issue was with the PMC, but whatevs.

Hi RhythmScript,

Thanks for the updates and glad to hear you’ve found a workaround. If, as you mentioned earlier, you can provide a simple project with the minimal amount of assets to recreate the issue, I will enter this as a bug.