[4.9.2] Joining Session not working! Halp please!!

Hey Guys,

My Team and I are currently trying to establish a session system.
However, joining a session is not working.
We packaged the project, included the OnlineSubsystem in the Build.cs,


in the DefaultEngine.ini, included the Maps in the Packagin Settings.
We have no idea what we should do now. Because of our projekt beeing a school projekt, We would be very happy to have a solution in time!

Tanks and bai bai,

Hey there,

additional information would be nice.

For example the log (posted via Pastebin to not spam the post) of your packaged project (not the log of the building process, but the log when you start the packaged project).

The Build.cs to check if you really packed everything into it.

Are you trying to play on LAN or via Internet? Because Internet is not support with the Null Subsystem. Only if you join directly via IP.

I work on this too. As of now we only need and used lan. The Problem is that the map is not being loaded and we get errors when we join with 2 ue4 editor instances of the same project. Otto will send the error log from the building process because that does not work either.

You can’t join with 2 Editors. You need to open the Game in standalone.

You can do this by going into the folder of your project and rightclicking the uproject file, hitting “Launch Game” or something like that.

lan connection work in PIE for me, but steam dosnt dunno.gif
with thisvery basic hosting for lan.

Steam is disabled if you open the Game in PIE. That’s a simple IF clause in the Source.

You need to run the game as Standalone to get Steam enabled.