[4.9.2] HTML5 no devices found


The HTML5 option under the launch button continues to elude me. I have the following setup:

  • 4.9.2 on Windows 10
  • emscripten full install C:\Program Files\Emscripten\emscripten\1.34.1
  • python 2.7.5
  • node 4.2.1
  • Chrome 64-bit and Chromium installed

I’ve checked the paths/versions for the above from the command line and in the environment variables window.

I have the following in my INI file:

Emscripten="C:/Program Files/Emscripten/emscripten/1.34.1" 

Chrome="C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe"

for the file:
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.9\Engine\Config\HTML5\HTML5Engine.ini

I’ve downloaded the latest Tappy Chicken project.
I’ve restarted my computer.

I continue to see: HTML5 - No devices found

Installing the Firefox Nightly fixed it.

Firefox Nightly (64 bit)="C:/Program Files/Nightly/firefox.exe"