With the latest 4.8 engine update we’ve found that all of our text boxes in the game have been changed that they no longer scale properly. With the help of a previous question here: UMG - Text alignment & scaling issue - UI - Unreal Engine Forums I was able to get them to scale as intended, but for the life of me I simply can’t get text centering and scaling in set bounds to work properly.
To illustrate here’s an example text made just recently from a new text box.:
As you can see the text box isn’t big enough despite the scale box being much larger than it. You should be able to repro it with just creating a new textbox and wrapping it with a scalebox with the settings below. Here are the settings for the scalebox:
Setting it to fill it now wraps the text properly, but centering now longer works:
It’s more than possible that some settings aren’t used as intented, but as of now I can’t find any documentation on how to get any text to center and wrap properly anymore even though all of these worked as intended in 4.7.