4.8 Rotate Gizmo Bug

Not sure if this is just me but my rotate gizmo is buggy in 4.8.0 and 4.8.1

It stops working depending on where my camera is vs certain axis.

It’s a bit hard to explain so I made a video.


hope it helps

Hey Hitpawz,

Thank you for providing us with this video. I have attempted to replicate the same camera angle and I have not been able to replicate the rotate widget issue you’re experiencing. Is this only happening on one project, or does it happen on them all?

Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks! :slight_smile:

It actually is only happening on this project and not any others. This project has some…uh…weird stuff goin on in it. Do you want me to upload it even though I’m almost 100% certain it’s on my end? It’s 353MB. I can PM a link when it’s up if you like.


Go ahead and send it to me through a PM on the forums. I’ll look into it more closely and see if I can figure out whether or not it’s specific to that project.


Hey Hitpawz,

I haven’t heard from you in a few days and my last reply asked for you to provide me the project through the forums. Have you been able to work on that? After 4 days of not hearing from you, we close out tickets due to tracking purposes.

Looking forward to hearing back from you!

Sorry ,
I didn’t mean to keep you on the line. You can blame the plaid patrol for inventing those heinous game jams. I have uploaded the project and I’ve PM’d you the link in the forums. Please let me know when you have it.

Thanks again,


I’ve downloaded your project and was able to successfully open it. The strange thing is that I’ve been able to manipulate the same object that you weren’t able to in the video.

Could you please try to delete the intermediate, saved and config files from your project folder, reopen the project and see if that has refreshed the rotate tool for that object?

Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!

Hey Hitpaws,

I have not heard from you in quite some time and for that reason, I will be closing this thread as resolved for tracking purposes. However, if you still have any further questions regarding this topic, do not hesitate to reply back. For all other questions, please post a new thread to AnswerHub.

Have a great day!

Hi there

I am having exatcly the same issue. Was searching whole Internet to find solution, no luck. I don`t know why is that happening. I had that in 4.13 and I thought that upgrading to 4.14 will help but the problem is still present.

Have you tried the suggestions provided previously?

Yes, I had. It seems that in other projects is ok, but in one of them is bad. My colleague is having the same issue (we are working on the same project).

I’m not seeing this happen in 4.13.2 or 4.14.0. Did this start occurring after you upgraded from 4.12 to 4.13, or after you upgraded to a hotfix?