4.8 p3 first person template, controls not working using "default" new level


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start new project, using 1st Person BP template.
  2. Create new level, use “default” as template
  3. Hit Play

Looks, like First person character is not included in default template, so it does nothing. This worked fine in 4.7.6


Hey Czoog,

If you go into the ‘FirstPersonGameMode’ and switch the ‘Default Pawn Class’ to FirstPersonCharacter, it’ll correct the issue that you’re currently seeing in 4.8.0 Preview 3. However, I have verified that this was once working correctly in 4.7.6 so I have entered a bug report to our developers. This report can be referenced as: UE-16140.

If you have any further questions, please let us know.
Have a great day!!

Hey Czoog,

I have not heard from you since your initial post and for this reason, I must ‘resolve’ this question at this time. However, if you have any further questions regarding this topic, please respond back here. For all other questions, please post a new question to AnswerHub.

Thank you and have a nice day!