Just noting my… notes… testing a 4.8 HTML5 project vs my last 4.7 HTML5 tests.
For the lols, I packaged my blueprint multiplayer project for HTML5 under 4.8 to see what what happen. I packaged it for 4.7 early on and it ran fine, but since then I’ve added a ton of features and multiplayer things, so I wanted to see if it’d even run now.
First thing I tried was loading it in Chrome, because it wouldn’t load in Chrome on 4.7. Chrome greets you with an alert box with some random garbage in it (probably not random but I’ve spent zero time investigating), and after that I thought it just gave up. After lots of random freezing pauses and some waiting… it actually loaded. Was very excited.
I then loaded it on Firefox, which was the only way I could get it to run in the past. Was prompted with a blank alert box, and it loaded much much faster, but now although I hear my menu UI noises all I get is a black screen, so that was disappointing. I like Chrome better though, so, meh, xD.
Once I got it loaded on Chrome, I noticed that Chrome doesn’t capture the mouse as easily as Firefox (at least for this version of my game). My 3D UMG Widget menu took input and registered the mouse, keyboard, and gamepad perfectly. The 3D widgets were not in the project last time I tried it on HTML5, so this was a pleasant surprise. Once I loaded up my test map using Host Game, I immediately felt that this version in HTML5 was far far smoother than my last HTML5 test in Firefox. There are a lot of graphical disparities, but that is to be expected as I haven’t done any ‘mobile material pass’ yet. For the materials that did work as intended, was surprised how clean, and again, how smooth everything was being rendered. Switching to full screen my mouse was finally able to be captured… and man it is soo smooth.
I haven’t tried any extensive tests to get my multiplayer working again in 4.8 HTML5, as 4.7 HTML5 required an experimental network driver and a pc server with some tweaking to get it working and I didn’t want to go through that hassle again.
So yeah, just wanted to say I’m pretty impressed with how much better HTML5 is running now, even if its black screening on Firefox. (I expect to be related to my post process blendables?)
I don’t really ever expect to target HTML5 with this project officially, but its nice to know that perhaps some day I actually can.
Keyboard Controls for demo above (gamepad works too):
C - Change to first person / third person
E - Pick up things
G- Drop your weapon
Left click - Fire
Right click - Aim down sight
1,2,3 - Switch weapons
Tab - Scoreboard (useless without multiplayer)
Edit: Holy ****, works on Safari too.