4.8 collisions no longer working


Anyone aware of any issues with projected moved to 4.8 from 4.7 in terms of collisions no longer working.
I made a clone of my 4.7 project which is working fine. But in 4.8 pawns fall through the floor and no longer register collision responses.

This does not happen on blank or new projects. But it seems my converted project no longer accepts any collisions. I created a new pawn to test with the same result. All World static and dynamic objects cannot register collisions.

Upon further investigation it appears to be related to the vehicle. It ignores mesh collisions but responds to collision volumes now.
It also tried to use the vehicle body as a wheel.

Will keep digging.

ok i found the issue. Seems that some collision boxes are causing issues.
What i found is that

1:) Vehicle Collision (physics collisions) ignores static mesh collisions (as a workaround must use collision boxes in level)
2:) Collision box component on vehicle will be calculated as part of total vehicle mass. So if you have a collision box that is 500 units behind the vehicle then the vehicle will try to orientate in that direction.