4.8 Animation montage won't play at all

Heyo, I’ve been getting into animation montages because they seem really powerful.

I’m trying to do a jump montage for jump start, falling and landing, tho for some reason the montage isn’t playing at all!

I’ve created a montage with three sections, assigned it to a slot name and put that slot in the anim graph between my state machine and the final animation pose. The montage is being triggered by pressing spacebar, but even tho debugging the graph shows that the animMontage is being triggered, it is not being played! Since I don’t really know what the problem could be I can’t really post any relevant pictures yet, but please give me some ideas for where to look!

I feel really stupid since animation montages seem pretty easy, I have no idea why it’s not being played back…

again please help:D much appreciated!

Turns out it is a problem with replication. Gonna have to figure out how I wanna do these RPCs in the animgraph, because apparently switching sections isn’t possible in the character BP.

Yep, simple problem, simple solution.

What I did for reference, was this:

Space bar pressed → jump → custom RPC (Run on server) which sets a replicated bool (isJumping) to true and sets it back to false after a delay

In AnimBP, onUpdateAnimation “tick”, check to see if isJumping is true and if it is, do a multicast RPC event once (reset on isJumping is false). This multicast plays the jump animation, and I handle landing with branching points in the montage.