Game controller (e.g. an xbox controller) will affect the input fields of the editor.
- Edit an asset in the editor
- Select a field to edit (e.g. a variable input)
- Manipulate the left stick of the game controller
- Notice the focus changes on the field you’re trying to edit
- Notice you will not be able to make edits until the controller’s left stick is set to the zero position.
On the surface this doesn’t seem like a big issue. The problem becomes more apparent when the left stick of the game controller is (even slightly) off the zero input. This can happen even when the controller is not being used. The is left in a situation where they are unable to edit fields and potentially not aware why this is happening. Additionally, I understand why it’s useful to have controller input work in the viewports… but it doesn’t make much sense that a game controller would have an effect on the non-viewport parts of the editor.