Hi everyone, i’m kinda new to UE, i started 3 or 4 month ago and this is the first time i try to deploy and package something in UE, and everytime the deployment works but when i open the app on the iPad, i got the title screen for like 10 seconds and then it crashes.
been looking to the output log and i see many issues, but don’t know how to solve them, maybe you could help
- Source image too large : ok with this one
- mip size non power of two : ok with that one too
- Metadata mismatch : did you assign a stat to two groups - well this one i don’t know what it is…
I don’t know if the problem womes from this error but i get this in the log like 10 times. I tried to google it and didn’t found anything usefull about this.
i attach the output log, maybe you will see another error that explains why it crashes every time.
NB : works fine in the editors mobile preview.