4.7p5 Pause hotkey does not update toolbar icons, won't resume

If you press the “Pause” icon on the toolbar, it changes into a “Resume” but if you press the Pause button on your keyboard it does not.

This bug seems to be intertwined with whether the viewport has mouse control or not. In messing around with it I’m pretty sure there’s at least one other bug, but I’m not clear on the rules involved to say for sure. To me, I should be able to press Pause key to pause it and pause key again to toggle it, but the second press doesn’t work. If you click the pause icon now it turns into a resume icon, but when you click this resume the icon switches back but the game isn’t actually unpaused. The only way to actually resume now is to click inside the viewport and press the pause key again. Confused yet? Because I sure am!

Pause after pressing button, the Pause icon has been replaced by Resume:

Paused by pressing pause on keyboard, no Resume icon shown, although it is paused (of course you can’t tell this just from a still image…)

Hi Furroy,

This is working as intended. When you press the Pause key during Play-In-Editor (PIE), it will pause and change focus from PIE to the Editor. This allows you to get your mouse cursor back for debugging purposes. Which we have a report in our system to add additional ‘stepping/debugging’ options when the game is paused.

To un-pause the game, you must either click Resume or click back in the Viewport to change the focus back to PIE and press the Pause key again.



You didn’t finish reading all that or try what I said. You can’t press the Resume (that looks like pause) button after using the Pause hotkey. It doesn’t work. So you can say the untoggle via key doesn’t work because of the focus change, but there are still issues with the button not changing from pause to resume and you can click the button over and over, and while it shows the state being toggled your game is still frozen in pause mode.

Sorry about that, I misunderstood what you were describing. I was able to reproduce this behavior so I entered it in our tracking software as JIRA UE-9226. Our developers will be investigating it further.



Hi Furroy,

I just wanted to let you know that this has now been fixed in our latest internal build. You will see it working correctly in a future update.
