Thank you for reporting this issue. I have tried to attempt a quick repro of this issue internally and have been unsuccessful so far. Would you be using a source build of UE4 or a binary version? Would you also be able to attach your DXdiag to this post? Would this issue occur with a specific widget or with all widgets?
Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.
I forgot a condition to reproduce it.
You should click and move(surely with keeping button down) a widget into a widget that can have a child.
for example, moving into CanvasPanel, Borader. etc.
The important thing is to keep a mouse button down so the widget you want to place into another widget is not placed. Do like drag and drop but not dropping actually.
I also tested it on two different system. It showed a same result.
Thanks for the video that you have linked. It has helped me to recreate this issue internally. I has placed Jira Report 10820 into our bug database so that the issue may be addressed in a future release. Please let me know if you have any additional questions regarding this issue.