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Man, this is really giving me a head-ache.
I wonder if anyone can help me out?
I’ve set up AnimMontages, I’ve set “Root Motion” to true in my animations, “Root Motion from Everything” in my Anim BP and exported my anim for 3DS Max (CAT). It animated fine but does Root Motion work? NOPE.
I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. My animMontage runs fine but the capsule won’t move to the correct location AND the character snaps back after the animmontage has played.
I keep reading about needing a root bone but in my skeleton hierarchy of my character, the Root is there and it’s sitting there all happy.
I have no idea what I’ve done wrong. I don’t know if my animation actually has a root (Due to the fact I used Bruno Brito’s CAT template to export it) but when I import it, the Root stays at 0, 0, 0 but I have a white line going to my characters hips moving.
Have I done something wrong as is there anyway to get the Root Motion working (As I need it for my character’s attacking).
As I mentioned on the , I am not familiar with “Bruno Brito’s CAT template” for 3DS Max. However if you look at the picture below, the capsule should follow the root bone as shown. I do not know what the superfluous bones I’ve marked with question marks are for and I believe should not be included on export.
Please compare this with how root motion is illustrated in the documentation:
For any other 3DS Max users implementing this rig system, an answer on the was a clearer, more in depth response than mine -which was to simply translate the root bone and not include the superfluous bones signified by question marks in the above image.
In the interest of providing the most comprehensive answer to this post, check out the response posted on the :
Those superfluous bones look like the IK bones (ik_hand_l, ik_hand_r, ik_foot_l, ik_foot_r and the ik roots).
They are part of the ue4 human rig but they dont seem to be included in any of the root motion animations and the ik example provided in the documentation seems to not use them, but rather applies additional sockets to accomplish