4.7 preview5&6 bug? - IOS build fails

hey ,

I have reached out to some fellow devs to check and see if there is a possible workaround for this issue. I will be sure to inform you when I get that response.


You can try running without our fixes to cyclic dependency loading. You will have to do this by setting bDeferDependencyLoads=fale in BaseEngine.ini. You will have to find where it is currently set to true.

Thank you!It works!By the way,does this method have any side effects or potential issue?And what does this setting actually mean?

This disables all the work we did to fix circular dependency issues that arise between blueprints. So you have to be careful not to introduce cyclic dependencies (or your assets could crash on load). This is not a setting that you want to leave off long term.

The good news is that we’ve resolved your issue with https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/4b7defc1a872d82dcaf38898c60a8b0f9a726454, and should be available in a later release.

Thanks for working with us to narrow down the issue!

Mike, I have two another asset loading problems:

This problems can be workaround by bDeferDependencyLoads=fale too :frowning:

Hi Bozaro,

4.7.4 (which is right around the corner) has a fair number of one off cyclic dependency fixes. Have you tried the head of the 4.7 branch?

Also, it seems that you’ve found this thread: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/pull/975, where I discuss further cyclic dependency fixups that we couldn’t introduce in a hotfix. You mentioned having troubles integrating them, and I’ll work with you on the github thread to iron that out.

Looking at these other threads of yours, it seems that you have confirmed that your issues aren’t present in master. So at least we can be confident that they’ll be resolved by 4.8. We just have to work on getting them to you sooner.