4.7 Preview 8 - A.R.T - Reset Everything Button - Proxy and Skeleton Mesh Scale Problem

In Maya 2014, When I create a skeleton and go to the skeleton placement phase, everything is scaled down.

Initial setup created, the mesh and the bone setup are about 180 cm.


If I click once on the Reset button, everything is then scaled up. I’ve been watching the learning videos, and I don’t see this happening. The problem is then that I end up with a skeleton that’s about 450 cm high by default.


Because of this bug, I am uncertain if I should click at least once the Reset Button after creating a skeleton / proxy mesh and then start to work with the scaled up version, or just avoid clicking the reset button and continuing the process, but risking that I might face other scale related issues down the road.

I would really appreciate if someone could let me know if they are experiencing the same issue and how they deal with it.


Hi Onoa,

I am unable to reproduce your issue even when I hit the “reset rig pose” button. Is that what you are referring to as the “reset” button. If not, please post a screenshot of the reset button and I will continue investigating this issue.



I believe it’s that button yes.


I have re-installed the tools many times, and I get his error in Maya 2014 and Maya 2015. I have tried them both. Are you testing with Maya 2013 by any chance?

Also, I have noticed in the ART_skeletonBuilder_UI.py file that the scale is hardcoded at 0.4 (Line 4010)

        #set default scale
        cmds.setAttr("root_mover.scaleZ", 0.4)

Could it be related to that?


Hi Onoa,

Thank you for the clarification. I have used the information you have provided to generate the following bug report: JIRA [UE-11944]. If this issue is addressed in the future, an update will be added to this post.

In the meantime, I think you are safe to continue with this tool and just avoid using that button at all. Command Z works if you hit it by accident. Also a good source of information about this tool can be found here on our : https://.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?2447-Animation-and-Rigging-Tools-FAQ-Known-Issues-and-Feature-Roadmap

Thank you for your feedback!