Some bugs I’m encountering in version 4.7 preview 8, and 4.7 with blueprint inheritance:
I have the following hierarchy of blueprint classes for my characters:
Game Character
| |
Enemies Companions
My main character blueprint and the companions are deriving from the Companions blueprint, and my Enemy character blueprints are all deriving from the Enemies blueprint.
The Game Character class has the common character variables and logic.
Variables inherited from Game Character, like Health, which has a default value of 100, are being overwritten in child classes such as the Main Character blueprint as 0 automatically, instead of passing down the default from the parent class. When I change it to 100 in the Main Character blueprint’s Defaults section to fix it, it stays until I close the editor. Next time I open the editor, it resets back to 0 again in the Main Character blueprint (this is one of a number of variables this is happening with). This wasn’t occurring in 4.6.1.
I have a UIWidget containing a health bar (status bar) that is in the Components section of the Game Character class. This is inherited by the other classes below. The widget property of the UIWidget keeps resetting to None anytime the project is closed and reopened.
Please add these to your list for fixes.