4.7 Preview 7 Memory leak

Hi Guys

I was in the middle of making a particle effect, and went to play the game to see what it looked like.

UE4, froze and just starting eating all my ram.

Started about 1GB, with about 5 mins in was 3GB.

  • 3.2 GB at 11:27pm
  • 4.1 GB at 11:30 PM
  • 5.3 GB at 11:33PM
  • 6.5 GB at 11:36PM

Then at 97 available ram, slowed down the leaching.

Took to 11:44 to get to 7GB. Still has not crashed at this point.

I am waiting for it to crash so I log a report.

EDIT: Just crashed, Logs attached

30088-logs. (292 KB)

P.s. It did not create a crash report. With out UE4 running, I was sitting about 1.4GB ram use.


Hi ,

Does this occur if you place the particle effect in the level by itself then press simulate? If not, how are you spawning this particular particle system?


I was just following one of TUTs, and placed the particle in the air and pressed play.

It has not happened again, doing the TUT again now.

If it occurs again, can you post a link to the tutorial? I will be happy to run through it and try to reproduce the effect on my end.

No Problem.


Not sure if related.

It is doing it now, but I realised as soon as it happened. This was infinite loop and UE4 did not revert when it happened.

Waiting for it to crash

Ok, leaking so slowly, it will take till morning.

Going to shut it down.

Do you know where the infinite loop is occurring? Do you have any blueprints that are circular referenced?


I corrected the loop, by putting a delay at the end.

Here is the scripting

I’m not sure what was causing your original crash but I’m glad your project is working now. It’s quite possible that whatever caused it is now fixed since the official release of 4.7.1 is out.

As for the infinite loop; adding the delay corrected the issue for you, right?

If so, should we consider this issue as resolved?

Hi ,

We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing this issue, post back here to let us know.
