4.7 preview 3: Spawn actor node causes crash


I’ve cloned my project and attempted to upgrade from 4.6.1 to 4.7 preview 3 to check if this issue is still present, however, in one of my blueprints if I add a spawn actor from class node, and then hit compile, the editor crashes. I’ve tried in a less complicated BP, and that seems fine. Here is the log for the crash.

If i delete one of the already present spawn actor from class nodes, then I also get a crash. If I delete them all, the blueprint will compile, but if I add another one, the editor will crash again on compile. If I remove just a setter node, there’s no crash, hence me thinking it’s specifically this node.

Has anyone come across this before? Is there a workaround? I’m not sure how to proceed to see whether my other problem is still present in 4.7 - if I gut the BP I can’t guarantee the same setup that’s causing the crash in 4.6.1, and remaking is quite a bit of work, although I can give it a go.

And I’ve found a workaround - duplicating the BP will remove this problem, although you do end up having to fix up all your references which is a massive pain.

Hello ,

I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. Can you reproduce this in a clean 4.7 (preview 3) project?
  2. Can you reproduce this in a clean 4.6 project that was upgraded to 4.7 (preview 3)?
  3. If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue?

I had a quick bash replicating logic around my spawn actor nodes in 4.6.1 and then upgraded to 4.7, and didn’t get the crash. I will try to find time to have a more thorough go at it this week.

Hello ,

Please let us know if you acquire any additional information that will help narrow down this issue.

I’ve not had any luck so far, but I’ll try updating my 4.6.1 project to preview 4, and see if the issue is still there. If it is, it might be easiest for me to give you the project as it stands, and hopefully you guys can work it out from there?

I will let you know when I get a chance to try preview 4 - it’ll probably be after I’ve sorted this issue out.

Hello ,

I was wondering about your progress on this issue? If you would like to provide your project with the issue I will be more than happy to take a closer look at it for you.


Thanks: here’s a link to the dropbox. The issue manifests in 4.7.0 preview 4 if you add a spawn actor from class node in the event graph of the BP_Node blueprint.

Please let me know if you get the repro!

Hello ,

I was able to reproduce this one the project that you have provided. I have written up a report ( UE-8663) and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available. Thank you for you information and time.

Make it a great day


Could you let me know the status of UE-8663 in 4.7.3 please? I believe I have come across this issue again, and this time the duplication work around doesn’t appear to be working. I’m going to try to build the blueprint in question up from scratch and find another work around, but just wanted to check if this is considered fixed in 4.7.3 to the best of Epic’s knowledge.


Hello ,

I went ahead a checked on the status of this issue for 4.7.3 and it appears that the status has been changed to fixed. However, if your issue continues please post back and I will be more than happy to assist you further.

Make it a great day

Hey thanks for that. I managed to work around it by remaking by BP from scratch in 4.7.3, and also making sure the name of the new BP was slightly different from the old one. I assume my BP or references to it were corrupted in some way - if I come across it again I’ll backup my project and provide it to you so you can investigate; for now everything is fine again. Cheers!

this is happening again on 4.18.2

Hello gotgrassct,

This report refers to a much older version of the engine and appears to have been resolved in 4.7. Because that is the case you may be experiencing a different issue. Could you create a new thread with additional information to help narrow down what issue it is that you may be experiencing.

Questions for new thread:

  1. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  2. If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
  3. Could you provide screen shots of any settings/blueprints that may be involved with this issue?

Please provide a link to the new thread for others to follow up.

Make it a great day