4.7 Can't find anything in this new BP editor

Ok. I just jumped into 4.7 I try not to update cuz All it ever does is slow me down…I must be stupid but something ALWAYS goes wrong.

When I open my Blueprint it looks like this and I’ve selected countless options in the tabs up above but cannot even understand why it looks like this.
So again. Can anyone help me? or sure it’s super simple…I just don’t do well with updating…

A bit odd for sure i don’t normally see that toolbar tab on my BP’s and there’s usually something else there (my graph’s tabs) so in your window menu under tool bar before content browser there should be something else there that is what you want in that main view port and toolbar should by checked and uncheckable, so try clicking on that. (nothing should happen but you never know) also if this doesn’t help a bit more info that would greatly help. Is this all BP’s, what version are you using, (a new update came out a few hours ago 4.7.4) what all options are in your window menu. you also seem to be missing the details window as well. have you used multi monitors in the past? (maybe there attempting to be off screen)

Thank you for responding.
It’s only one BP as of now. A deer. In midst a forest.
I’m using 4.7.3 bur I’m pretty sure it’s only one BP. The Animation BP opens up fine and so do all other editors.
If I open my windows tab I don’t see ANY options to help get back to the screen.
What happened was 4.7 is setup differently…so I got lost and exited out of re tabs and now they’re gone.

ah ok i just closed all the tabs on a bp and was able to reproduce this. here is what I did to fix it,

window menu My Blueprint this will open something to give you access to the graph’s, functions, macro’s and variables listings.

you will than have to double click on either graph’s functions macro’s etc. to open up your BP graphs and return your “code” to a view able and manageable state.

Thank you my friend. I’ll try this immediately!

I don’t seem to have that option??

I also just tried another BP deleted all the tabs but have all of the options in the window like usual…I may try to duplicate at this point but I’m not sure…something is wrong.

So I’ve figured out the source of the problem and it sucks. If I make a character class BP in my level, as soon s I assign an animation blueprint to it, after the BP is closed everything is gone once it’s reopened. I tried this with another BP and another Anin BP and it still does it. I’m in 4.7.3

I’m not sure if anyone has had that problem but that’s what’s going on.

hmm… ok so I agree there is something buggy about that menu there. I have had that menu miss some things before as well… found this after some searching [BUG] Missing menu items - UI - Epic Developer Community Forums as a side note what I generally do tot fix this is on a per BP issue is to pull that one BP in to its own window , save it, close all other tabs (except the main one) close offending BP and reopen it. I seam to ( Temporarily ) have all options. than try the above fix. sry this is messy… the fix in that post may be more permanent of a fix but I have not personally tried it.

thank you for your help…it doesn’t seem to be the exact same issue as it was from Beta 5, I’m gonna file this as a bug report, until then I’m updating to 4.7.4 as we speak and I’ll see if this problem persist.
Thanks again.

Unfortunately As of 4.7.4 blueprints do not work at all. On any project …even a Blank project. No matter the type of BP, once it is created, I can simply open it, click compile, close it, and after that all of my menus are gone. I’m not 100% sure what could be the problem there because I don’t feel like that’s an issue to many people…It’s obviously in no way operable at this point.

There is basically something in the BP that checks to see if it has any work in the graph. If not, it gets rid of all panels.
In the window there is an option for BP class…There u can access everything again.

Thanks !

Hey ,

I’m glad that you’ve been able to resolve this issue on your own. Would you mind providing me with detailed reproduction steps, so I can investigate this issue further and report it to our developers? Even an uploaded project where you’ve reproduced it yourself outside of your private project would be greatly appreciated. We’ve seen an increase in reports of this issue and would like to get it completely resolved.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

I’ll have it up and detailed tomorrow. No problem!