Hello, i’m trying to post to the leaderboards and it doesn’t work.
I’m using Version 4.7.6. and i have just one device to test this on so i can’t rule out that it’s my device’s fault.
I’m trying to write to the leaderboards like this:
Hi DylanVelez,
Something you might consider is checking the Tappy Chicken sample project that is included with UE4 and its leaderboard BP setup for some guidance, to check if it is your BP setup that may need tweaking and not necessarily the device. I do know Tappy leaderboards are working correctly with the most recent release.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for your answer, i thought i had everything right as i was almost copying the leaderboards from tappy chicken but i forgot to add the player controller to the read leaderboard integer and the write leaderboard integer nodes and it was causing the error, adding the controller did it for me so i guess you can close the question now. By the way, i find it weird having to specify the controller, doesn’t it default to the one at index 0?
Howdy! As you were mostly able to suss this out I am marking your comment as the answer and closing this as resolved. As far as the controller question, that might be one for the blueprints forums, as they might be able to provide you a clearer answer for that specific workflow.