Hey ,
Sorry about the delayed response. Been really sick and trying to push through.
Let me have a chat w/ the Creative Director. Right now, this project is not revealed and if we did this, are their mutual NDA’s in place?
I fully understand that it might be difficult to find the issue if I can’t provide you anything further. I’ll check in to see if this is going to be okay .
In the meantime, I wanted to inquire about paid support. I remember Noland mentioning at one point Epic has a direct support program that game devs can pay for. Out of curiosity, do you have any details regarding this (or email address) and also, what does it add that I wouldn’t get normally from AnswerHub aside from more direct support?
UPDATE: I just thought about it and it might be possible for you to repro this before I inquire about sending you the direct source and/or content used. For the trace code, do the following to repro…
- Create a C++ ActorComponent and use the trace function I posted above
- Attach the component to a Character
- In the Character’s Tick, call the trace each time Tick gets called
- Write the log to the screen w/ GEngine->AddOnScreenDebug… referencing the HitActor coming back
The above should at least in 4.7.6, cause the flip between null and not every other frame. I am making the assumption it doesn’t have to do with the mesh’s collision since the trace that flip flops is not moving and in testing another model, got the same results. But then again, you never know so I’ll hold off on that unless needed.
When I originally posted this, the level I was testing on was using the default sky, bsp floor, directional light, etc when creating a new level.
I was aimed at the mesh which was sitting on that BSP floor.
I hope this helps and if not , no worries buddy and I’ll check in to see if its okay to send you more to test with.
Thanks again for the assistance and hope you are enjoying your Friday!