After create a C++ project of FPS Template, and then create gamemode, playerpawn, playercontroller but in BP and changed default map gamemode and play this work, input keys are in controller and call funcs adn then funs cast to other funcs in character pawn. But at set to play with 2 players in editor option, game create 2 controllers and 2 characters, you can work fine with host, but with second player inputs don’t work, and if check created pawn and controller of seconds player miss “PawnInputComponent0” in pawn and “PC_InputComponent0” in controller of second player.
Hi ,
I wasn’t able to reproduce this in a new 4.7.5 project. Can you show us some screenshots of your BP setup for pawn and controller, including functions in pawn that are called from controller? Thanks!
*Only work main windows secondary window for player 2 don’t work controls
Thanks! I set up a new C++ project from FPS template, and created a new GameMode, PlayerController, and Character with same setup, but I still have movement control in my Client. Can you reproduce this in a new project? If so, would you mind uploading it somewhere and sending me a download link so I can look into it from here? Thanks!
If create new project in C++ of FPS and then add pack of FPS BP to game and change default gamemode of map, then player0 got pawn and second is spectator ?
A- I got added in my original project FirstPersonBP and when play in multiplayer projectiles are invisible for all players. (Playing in default BP map) (But C++ Template works)
B - I got other problem in project, at check for debug in BP in combobox in debug filter i got 3 controllers and 3 pawns (2-server and other client) is that normal ? (Controller_18 and 19 are servers and are in world outliner list) but 20 show as client and don’t is in list.
C- In client i see me + client have hud + umg like me and in outliner only show one HUD created ???
I got this project created this week in 4.7.5 project with removed content but with BP.
News about this ?
This now is broken with 4.7.6 update and give a crash.
Hey ,
I’ve forwarded your project to network developers to see if they can figure out what’s going on. I was able to reproduce behavior you described in your project, but I can’t see what specifically is different between yours and a new test project that functions as expected. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear back from them.
I just tried your project in 4.7.6, however, and did not get a crash. At what point did it crash for you? Was it editor, or a packaged game? Can you zip and attach crash log for us? Thanks!
I reported crash throw crash reporter.
If you use my files try to open like in main problem, and you get a crash. (In editor with 2 players)
Or use FPS BP Template from 4.7.5 because now is different and you get crash.
Well i find other problem, i got a project created from C++ FPS Template, and with a pack added FPS BP Template, now is map i set gamemode of BP and start player 1 shoot balls like in old BP and player 2 shoot traces and move boxes XD, what is that my friend ?
*And character BP is setup like in player 2.
*I see player 1 is using default pawn of map no idea why.
information in your crash log is different than what’s reported in Crash Reporter, so please and attach it here if possible. I can’t look up your crash from Crash Reporter without Epic ID or Machine ID, so if you can give me either of those (shown in Crash Reporter dialogue) I can look that up as well.
So in 4.7.6 I’m not getting a crash with your project during PIE with 2 players, nor am I crashing with a new FPS BP template project in same circumstances. Are you using binary version through Launcher, or built from source? If built from source, have you edited source code at all? It’s possible you have a corrupted install that’s causing crash (which is separate from initially reported problem). Any additional information will help us find what’s causing crash for you.
I’m not sure what you mean about “with a pack added FPS BP template.” Did you add something to C++ project?
packs “Add feature or content pack” that is FPS BP Template added to new FPS C++ Project.
Today no idea why BP have changed and now FPS Template don’t shoot balls, and use traces, now i see problem of my last comment, engine use pawn in map as default to player 0 (in C++ default FPS map) and for player 2 use pawn of gamemode (using gamemode of BP)
In new project atm no idea how, but with my files: download, open and press play with 2 player , crash.
other of last 2 comments its about why Epic have changed BP in a secondary release X.X.x in .6 ?
Because my default BP for reference are changed.
*Sorry this crash by 4.7.6 update, give me errors of cast between controller, pawn, HUD & UMG with 2 players
*I goint to open other thread to this.
My Report: Is there a way to send private files to us ?
Can you give me a step-by-step guide to reproduce crash with a new project, using screenshots? I can’t understand what you’re doing to get a crash. Thanks!
If you’re getting crash in a new project without using assets from your other project, please do open a new thread with as many details and reproduction steps as you can provide, and we’ll take a look there. I still don’t get a crash with your project or with a new project, so it’s likely not involved with what you reported in original post.
Blueprints didn’t change in 4.7.6, so I think you may have a bad install. In your Launcher, go Library and select Verify on 4.7.6 slot, then try again.
Your default FPS Project in BP shoot projectiles or Traces ?
About installation i got clear 4.7.5 installation from last week with old version removed.
other thread [4.7.6] Blueprints Cast problems multiplayer - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums
Well i fixed more or less this, in controller add a “isValid” with a Delay of 0.1 to check pawn before set in var.
After this i can move host and client, but PawnInputComponent0" & “PC_InputComponent0” are missing in client controller & pawn and after play 2min moving only clients i got about 50.000 errors about problems at get pawn and i no idea why because this work + now don’t crash but i got other problem in UMG now don’t get values correct.
*When i print values i got Server, Client 1 and Client -2 ?? Why -2, i got this set to 2 players Server & Client 1 are same host by with other player is -2 and no 2 and sometimes don’t have -2 and have 1, same of host.
client -2 is created by UMG no idea why, i got now only one print in characterpawn and report me from x2 Server/Client1 & Server/Client1 as differents.
Why are 3 characters ?
You need to add a “isValid” check before set pawn to classes. , because engien don’t work as expected sometimes.
Play multiplayer in a single process in editor give rare and no logic errors, you need to play as listen in different process.
*But continuous miss “PawnInputComponent0” in pawn and “PC_InputComponent0” in controller of second player.