[4.7.3]Project only opens on one computer

It is possible that this fix applies, though unfortunately I do not know for certain. Try updating to 4.7.5 and see if it fixes the error for you.

I have made a discovery. It turns out I can basically tun on or off whether or not I want the project to load. I’m not sure the exact file but in the AppData section for Unreal, cleaning out everything cases the project to crash at startup. Putting everything back results in no crash. I have folders for 4.4-4.7 and the common folder and I’ve narrowed it down to the common folder. I can delete every other folder in there without the project crashing. The only thing in the common folder is the DataDerivedCache with a bunch of sub-folders. Let me know if any of the contents would be helpful. I have no idea what these files are for.