I’ve got a project for Android platforms that I’ve been able to creating Development and Shipping Builds for in 4.7.1 & 4.7.2. I’m currently using an NVidia Shield as my device.
However, since moving to 4.7.3 the Editor will fail to create a Shipping Build almost immediately, and there’s no clear clue in the Logs as to why this might be. Development Builds are cooked correctly.
I´m having similar trouble, when i try to package for android it says: RunUAT.bat ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully.
And i dont know what to do, it was just fine in 4.7.2, now with 4.7.3 i can´t package the same project, please anyone knows how to fix this, or if there is gonna be a soon 4.7.4 update that fix this? thx
We have a known issue wherein packaging on Android with ‘for distribution’ (shipping) checked will cause the build to fail. Here is the associated AnswerHub thread, it does have a few suggested workarounds that helped other users. Please have a look and see if this is the same issue you are both seeing.
The JIRA fix is marked as being included in the 4.7.4 hotfix; unfortunately I do not have a release date for it. It is the next scheduled hotfix so it should not be much longer. For tracking purposes, the JIRA number is UE-11350
I’m going to close out this thread as resolved for tracking purposes. 4.7.4 should be out this week or next week, and if it does not fix this problem we will reopen this issue. Thanks very much!