Hey guys,
I’m using a 3D widget rendered in Screen (NOT World) attached to the player’s camera to simulate a helmet/hud that shakes around as the player moves. Works great! Does exactly what I want, but…
The problem is, when I have 2 players with this HUD in the same place, they can both see the HUDs rendering on their screen. Unlike their bodies and guns, Only Owner See and Owner No See seem to not work at all in this configuration.
Guns and bodies rendered in world hide when I want them to, but the widget HUDs will not. It appears to be a bug. I tried every configuration I could think of and it does not work.
I have a few questions that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.
Quick questions:
Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
If so, could you provide a detailed set of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
Does this only occur when involving 3D widgets?
Could you provide screen shots of any blueprints that may be involved in this issue?
I may have a workaround for you. I currently have a function that simulates the 3D widget effect using math (Not actually a 3D widget). This may be viable depending on your needs until we can get to the bottom of your issue. I hope this helps.
I have included an example project using the function that I have made. There are a couple of things you will need to know in order to use it.
You will need to take the Widget that you would like applied and place it into another widget via the User Created section of the palette in the designer tab (This is because the Scale box widget can only have one child).
Take the Child widget that was just added and then put it inside of a scale box widget.
Make the Scale box widget a variable.
This ScaleBox widget variable is what you will need to plug into the “Input pin” pin of the function
Finally you will need to open up the function and set the actor that you would like this Fake widget to follow in 3D space.
Hi Rudy,
Thanks for getting back to me! Let me try and answer all of your questions.
Yes, I just created a new project.
Here are the steps I followed to reproduce it: First, new project from the First Person Shooter template. Then, make a UMG Widget blueprint, put some text or imagery on it. Then, take the base character and add a “Widget” (WidgetComponent) and set the Widget Class to the blueprint you just made. Make it a child of the camera (still working in the character’s viewport tab of their blueprint here, no blueprint graphs are involved.) Set it to Draw Size: 1920x1080, then scale it down in front of the player’s camera. Now it floats in front of the character.![alt text][1] Set to Screen so it doesn’t get affected by Motion Blur etc. Set to Only Owner See so others can’t see it. Then, Launch with a server and client (2 players in editor). Both players can see each other’s HUD rendering on their screen and position changes as they move about, even though I have Only Owner See on. This does NOT appear to happen if you render it in World space though. Attached two pictures showing both projects with the same result. In the new project, the other player is standing to the left of the viewpoint we see there.
I have not encountered this issue elsewhere as of yet. This is specifically happening with the “WidgetComponent” you can attach to a character or other blueprint. Tooltip says “A 3D instance of a Widget Blueprint that can be interacted with in the world.” If you set it to Screen instead of World it doesn’t listen to the Owner Only See checkbox, or so it would seem.
I have a screenshot of the actual result on my current project I encountered the issue on (hid some text, etc due to its proprietary nature) but there are no blueprint graphs specifically involved here. This is 100% done on the Widget settings in Viewport on the character blueprint.
edit: No clue how to use the image formatting on here. Links below
I should add that this manifests on both listen and client screens. Even though my screens are only Client windows, it shows up on the host just the same.
I was able to reproduce this issue on our end. After looking into the issue further, I found that this is a known issue (TTP # 349471) and it has already been sent to the developers for further consideration. Thank you for your time and information.
I am having the same issue… setting widget to screen space works fine until i hide it. once i hide it the widget sticks itself to screen and stays visible, even though its hidden and not visible by blueprint at all. i hope this bug get fixed soon till then i wont be able to hide the widget i can only destroy it.
I read over you post and your issue sounds like it is a separate issue. If you could please answer the following questions in a new thread and then post the link here in a new reply, I will be more than happy to assist you further with the issue that you are experiencing.
Quick questions:
What version of the engine are you using
Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
If so, could you provide a detailed set of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
Could you provide a screen shot of any blueprints that may be involved with this issue?
If you use an event tick to compare your widget to player character 0’s widget. If its not equal to it, than hide that silly widget! this wouldn’t replicate so it would work for everyone.
Hello… this is still an issue… im trying to get a system where the player looks at another player and then his name would appear, but setting a widget to screen space doesn’t respect owner no see / only owner see options…
You will see at the link provided in the about section on the issue tracker that we are no longer using the issue tracker to track feature requests. Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (About) I hope that this information helps.
Why are feature requests not found on this site?
In order to maintain consistency and clarity on needed fixes, issues.unrealengine.com only serves up bugs and their status. We encourage you to discuss feature requests over in the Feedback for Epic forum using the [FEATURE REQUEST] prefix so the community and development teams can get visibility on these more nuanced conversations as they arise.