4.7.2 tutorials?

Sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum
But i am wondering if there is any current 4.7.2 tutorials
while i have tinkered in UDK before
i would really love to expand my skills for future projects and help give to the community
So if anyone could point me in the right direction i would happily give you a custard tart :rolleyes:

It shouldnt make any difference when you watch 4-4.6 video tutorials. Just the ui is a little bit different :slight_smile: But as far as I know there are nearly no 4.7.2 tutorials around.

But to start, take a look at those sites:

Some of the nodes in blueprints have been renamed as I found out when following older tutorials, nothing overly different though

Definitely check out the tutorials on their official youtube channel here. Doesn’t really matter if the UI is a bit outdated in older videos, the core functions the same.

Take a look: https://www.youtube/user/UnrealDevelopmentKit/playlists

Want to remind you about Learn tab in Launcher, it has a lot of goodies!


The C++ tutorials are drastically broken 4.7. They definitely need a refresh.

hello i’m , i use UE4.8 but i can’t use the geometry editing, infact when i presso shift+5 the geometri editing don’t start!! why?

Is that custard tart still good? :slight_smile:
But seriously, You should just upgrade to 4.8, it’s pretty nice. :slight_smile:

What in the world possessed you to post this here???

Make sure to open a thread about that topic :wink: -> dont post your questions in threads from other users