The 4.7.1 Hotfix is now live! It contains a number of fixes for our latest release, all listed below.
Feel free to continue the discussion about this release on the 4.7 announcement thread.
If you experience a bug with the 4.7.1 Hotfix, please remember to log a bug report for the issue on the UE4 AnswerHub to the Bug Reports section.
Fixed in 4.7.1
UE-6706 Text does not scale when using the “Draw Text” node in a HUD blueprint
UE-7139 Crash caused by “/Game/Maps/UEDPIE_2_Menu.Menu not cleaned up by garbage collection!”
UE-7497 No Graphs are displayed in Visual Logger after enabling them
UE-9745 Color picker does not work.
UE-10016 Using the Merge Blueprints feature crashes the editor
UE-10114 LevelScript should not get a Overlap event added by default
UE-10137 Redirected graph nodes cause a crash in IsDataOnlyBlueprint
UE-10141 Vehicle code project has default texture in packaged game
UE-10143 High reflectivity on all materials in SunTemple on Android
UE-10167 Undoing a pasted custom event node with an input pin results in a crash
UE-10169 When installing VS through the editor, invoke installer with a command-line parameter that enables Microsoft’s Telemetry
UE-10257 Mac to Android first time device is plugged in, after installing tadp user still has to place sdk paths
UE-10260 Pre-existing Foliage stays at highest LOD
UE-10277 Android fails to show as valid platform for Mac in UFE until editor is opened
UE-10283 TargetArray nodes are reported as invalid if played in Standalone mode but not in PIE
UE-10298 Creating an exposed variable does not always update correctly to the bp’s Details panel
UE-10305 Set Timer node does not stop the timer if it is set to zero by the Custom Event
UE-10313 Crash playing animation montage in reverse
UE-10319 Crash attempting to edit a Struct Transform’s rotation value as a slider
UE-10406 All shadow casting on Paper2D sprites is broken (no sprites cast shadows)
UE-10410 Reparenting an Actor blueprint crashes the editor
UE-10510 Crash occurs applying instance changes to blueprint when instances have different changes
UE-10524 Icon reports failure to add if creating a project with source control enabled
UE-10529 TappyChicken: HTML5: Firefox: The Fullscreen button now displays the screen offcentre (large black border on the right)
UE-10537 Editor crash when child component has physics enabled and is moved
UE-10562 Empty if blocks are generated in shaders and can cause driver compiler crashes on Android
UE-10646 Crash occurs copying a non-scene component in component window
UE-10650 Possible crash in USceneComponent::UpdatePhysicsVolume
UE-10658 Excessive memory consumption in some circumstances due to off-by-1 count error
UE-10732 Actor’s attached to an Actor with a blueprint created root component don’t stay in correct relative position when moved
UE-10793 GitHub 851 : Update .gitignore - ignore FeaturePacks
UE-10812 Comparing BB entries doesn’t work
UE-10822 Crash clearing the undo buffer during blueprint merge
UE-10826 Crash compiling Level BP after deleting event