I am repoducing the c++ programming tutorial. I can not figure why the function “Get Player Character” is not find in the construction script for the BatteryPickup Blueprint.
Any reason could explain why this function cannot be call ?
I tried to uncheck the context sensitive filter and check for a similar question on the forum but I could not find an answer.
More surprising, I can call it in the event graph…
True, I still not figure how to unlock this capabilities in the engine. It should be ok as described below for small function calls.
The function described in the video is quite small so instead of the construction script it can be call in the Event Graph after the event “Even Begin Play”.
Yep as Mortusnyte explains there is no player character when the game begins…In the next video of the tutorial, nothing happened and they need to hack on a dirty way this event with a tmp Spawn trick… In 4.7, I guess they make sure this way to initialize is forbidden.